Birding Scituate lead educator Steve Maguire, M.Ed, has been birding for over 40+ years.  Growing up in Burlington, MA, his Dad used to hold him up to help fill the bird feeders at his home when he was 4 years old and he has been hooked ever since.  Steve teaches Ornithology at Scituate High School (yes, they actually have a high school ornithology class!) in Scituate and has been a leader of hundreds of birding trips over the years.  A master trip leader, Steve's love of the outdoors and of birds is taken on by others and participants only have great things to say about the programs.  

     A lifelong resident (Townie in the best way possible) of Scituate, Birding Scituate lead art designer and organizer Jess (Blanchard) Maguire has been birding for over 15 years. The creative and organizational influence of Birding Scituate, Jess has been an outdoor enthusiast her whole life.  

The Birding Scituate team is pleased to welcome our newest member (as of the Fall 2020 classes) Liam Norton. Liam is another lifelong Scituate resident who has always loved nature and animals and started birding almost 3 years ago. Since he has started birding; he’s traveled and birded in Ireland, Switzerland, South Africa, Malawi, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, 30 US states and Washington D.C. He’s seen and identified over 400 species of birds and counting. He is currently a Junior at Suffolk University and Biology major with a concentration of Marine Science.  


Birding Scituate STaff